Shailah Edmonds

I am a former International runway model and author of my top selling memoir Wild Child To Couture Style The Shailah Edmonds Story.
My book is an inspirational testimony of my journey from a small town, Portland, Oregon, to the Couture runways of Paris, and how I alone, starting from the most unlikely, tumultuous beginnings, persevered through rejection, discrimination, ageism etc., to accomplish my goals.
My message is not only for models, but to inspire people from all walks of life to succeed in their endeavors by pursuing their goals with the vengeance of hard work, dedication, planning, spirituality and perseverance.
My presentation includes humor, jaw dropping escapades and targets important points that will keep an audience engaged.
My book was mentioned in the New York Times in June of 2020, and garnered film offers and several book talks. It also has top reviews on Amazon.

Stand up to "NO!"
Perseverance Equals Success
WWSD: What Would Shailah Do?
Do You REALLY Want To Be A Model?

Presentation Intro

Book Signing
Guest podcast Speaker
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
Instagram: shailah edmonds
Facebook: shailah.edmonds
Linkedin: shailah edmonds